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Wierność w stereo
12.01.2023, 119’
Wierność w stereo

R.I.P. Jeff Beck

12.01.2023, 119’

Dziś pokłonimy się Jeffowi Beckowi.

Playlista odcinka

Jeff Beck
Another Place
Jeff Beck
Angel (Footsteps)
Jeff Beck & Rod Stewart
People Get Ready
Led Zeppelin
Since I've Been Loving You
King Crimson
No Warning
Patti Smith
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Peter Gabriel
The Time Of The Turning
Robbie Robertson
Malcolm McLaren & The Bootzilla Orchestra
I Like You In Velvet
Lech Janerka
Wyobraź sobie
Jeff Beck
Jeff Beck
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
Jeff Beck
Thugs Club
Pride (In The Name Of Love) [Live]
Unchained Melody
Peter Murphy
Dream Gone By
Dar Williams
Dar Williams
The Blessings
Chris Isaak
Lovers Game
Jeff Beck
Love Is Green
Jeff Beck
Cause We've Ended As Lovers
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