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Dwie godziny satysfakcji
18.12.2023, 119’
Dwie godziny satysfakcji

Dwie godziny satysfakcji

18.12.2023, 119’

Playlista odcinka

The Rolling Stones
Rolling Stone Blues
The Rolling Stones
You Got The Silver [Live]
The Rolling Stones
Before They Make Me Run
Keith Richards
Big Enough
Keith Richards
Take It So Hard (Live)
The Rolling Stones
Coming Down Again
The Rolling Stones
All About You
Keith Richards
I Could Have Stood You Up
Keith Richards
Locked Away
Keith Richards
Connection (Live)
Keith Richards
Make No Mistake
The Rolling Stones
Too Rude
The Rolling Stones
Can't Be Seen
The Rolling Stones
Slipping Away
Keith Richards
The Rolling Stones
This Place Is Empty [Live]
The Rolling Stones
You Don't Have To Mean It
The Rolling Stones
How Can I Stop
The Rolling Stones
Happy (Live)
The Rolling Stones
Thru And Thru [Live]
Keith Richards
Goodnight Irene
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