Playlista odcinka
Andrzej Trzaskowski
Title Theme (Vocal Cue)
Jim Morrison
A Feast of Friends
Molchat Doma
Sudno (Boris Ryzhy)
PJ Harvey
To Bring You My Love
George Harrison
Marwa Blues
Ostatnia noc wizji
One Last Goodbye
Street Spirit (Fade Out)
George Harrison
Beware of Darkness
The Who
Doctor Jimmy
The Legendary Pink Dots
I Love You in Your Tragic Beauty
Szklany człowiek
Patrick the Pan
Ballada dla sąsiada z góry
Beach House
Somewhere Tonight
Another Sunny Day
You Should All Be Murdered
Portsmouth Sinfonia
Also sprach Zarathustra
Molchat Doma
Черные Цветы / Chernye Cvety
Molchat Doma
Белая Полоса / Belaya Polosa
Die Form
Grey Scale
Bernard Herrmann
Diary of a Taxi Driver (monologue)
Sneaker Pimps
The Moody Blues
Nights in White Satin
Depeche Mode
Never Let Me Down Again
Classix Nouveaux
Never Never Comes
Bronski Beat
Smalltown Boy (12' Version)
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